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Messages - Anastasia

In "Tinkoff Journal" we find information about the impact of marriage on women's incomes:

"An American study based on data from 12,000 people showed that marriage increases the income level of women, but there are many studies that have shown the exact opposite result"

Among the latter there are those held in Russia. Statistics collected from 2000 to 2009 confirmed the global trend: married men in Russia earn more than single men. But for women, everything is exactly the opposite: unmarried people get more, why did it happen that way?
Apparently due to the fact that the life and upbringing of children still fall on the shoulders of women.

In today's world, how can a woman maintain her high earnings after marriage?
Vladimir Lavrov, writer, educator, mindset transformation and personal effectiveness coach, emphasizes: "Money is the result of your intellect."
It turns out that you need the mandatory presence of intelligence to get rich?
"Izvestia" reports: "During the tense geopolitical situation, scammers have become more active, offering citizens to "save money from sanctions."

The funds are persuaded to be transferred to a "secure account", which actually belongs to the attacker.

The surge in deceptions under this scheme comes against the backdrop of the imposition of sanctions by the West against Russian banks.

The Central Bank emphasized that criminals always adapt to the information agenda, and citizens should stop communicating with strangers, regardless of who they appear to be."

Why do you think scammers manage to get into the trust of many people?
German philosopher and sociologist Georg Simmel argues that the house of tolerance serves as a metaphor for the culture generated by the domination of money, and prostitution is a symbol of human relations, since prostitution and money have a common nature.

"The indifference," writes G. Simmel, "with which they indulge in every new use, the ease with which they leave any subject, because they are truly not connected with any one; the objectivity that excludes any emotional attitude, characteristic of them as pure means - all this forces us to draw an ominous analogy between money and prostitution."

Do you agree that an analogy can be drawn between money and prostitution? Why?
Anton, just on your question: researchers in this group
Anyone can join and contribute to the study!
The first economic sanctions recorded in written sources were imposed by the Athenian Maritime Union (the Delian Symmachy) on the city of Megara (part of the Peloponnesian Union) in 432 BC. e. in order to stop the practice of accepting runaway Athenian slaves in this city and plowing the sacred frontier territories.

They are known under the name "Megarian psephism". On the one hand, the Megarian merchants suffered heavy losses, but on the other hand, they were forced to turn to the allies (primarily Sparta) for military support.

As a result of the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War, Athens suffered a crushing defeat, and the Athenian Union was destroyed.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, economic sanctions were mostly local and short-term in nature due to the constantly changing configuration of trade and military alliances and the changing interests of individual rulers and influential people.

In the 19th century, sea blockades became the main instrument of economic sanctions - measures to prevent the sea trade of an individual country with other countries without declaring war on it.

How do you feel about economic sanctions? How should the population of the country organize work and solve financial problems during sanctions?
The Dutch psychoanalyst Manfred Kets de Vries, in his book "Sex, Money, Happiness and Death: In Search of Yourself", states: "For many of us, money has become the meaning of life ... People who are indifferent to money are suspected of hypocrisy and they talk about their contempt for wealth, then they reveal only part of the truth, but in reality they despise only other people's wealth ... i.e. trying to suppress jealousy...

And the more money we have, the more we want ... However, sooner or later, most of us realize that there is nothing more precious than life ... Would you like to be the richest in the cemetery? ... Riddle: it is undesirable to be a beggar, but to feel rich and satisfied with life, money alone is not enough."

The researcher emphasizes that a huge passion for material wealth makes people strive for possession, and not for life.

Money for us is "getting rid of the poverty or dullness of existence, freedom from family pressure, the path to independence and power, free time ..., gaining a sense of self-respect and love."

Kets de Vries concludes: "We must find ways to acquire and spend money that are consistent with our subjective sense of well-being and our value and belief systems. Otherwise... the money will cost us too much."

This conclusion of Kets de Vries is consonant with the thought of B. Franklin that "money has not yet made anyone and will not make anyone happy; the more a person has, the more he wants; instead of filling a void, money creates it."

Do you agree with the statements of Kets de Vries? Why? How not to lose yourself and a fulfilling life in an effort to get rich?