Money and the state. Emission, regulatory, fiscal and repressive apparatuses
The research paper aims to investigate the problems of state intervention in the monetary system and to analyse the influence of the state machine on the transformation of the functions and forms of money. Predicting socio-economic changes, the development of money, the development of a new type of currency and a universal settlement system, and the design of a money system in a free society.
- A comprehensive overview of the history of money in the book “Pages of the History of Money” by Y. P. Voronov
- The influence of the state on the transformation of the essence of money
- New types of money
- Digital central bank currencies
A comprehensive overview of the history of money in the book “Pages of the History of Money” by Y. P. Voronov
The book “Pages of the History of Money” by Y. P. Voronov is a comprehensive review of the history of money from antiquity to the present day. The author describes what kind of money was used by the people of different epochs and countries, how money appeared, what technologies were used for its creation and protection and also how money influenced economy and politics.
The book is divided into several sections, each of which is devoted to a specific period in the history of money. The author starts with antiquity, describing what kind of money was used by ancient peoples (Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, etc.).
He then moves on to the Middle Ages, when gold and silver coins were used, and to the early modern times, when the first paper currency was created.
In the following chapters the author discusses how money became international, the emergence of banks and banking systems, how financial crises occurred in different periods of history, and how modern technology is changing the way we think about money and the economy.
The book is written in accessible language and may be of interest not only to economists, but also to a wide range of readers interested in history, politics and sociology. There are many interesting facts and stories in it which help to better understand how money shapes our lives and affects the global economy.
Features of the book “Pages of Money History” by Y. P. Voronov include:
Broad coverage of the topic. The author covers the history of money from antiquity to the present, looking at different types of money and their role in the economy and politics.
Simple language. The author uses accessible language and avoids complicated technical terms, making the book understandable to a wide audience.
Interesting facts and stories. The book contains many interesting facts and stories, which help to better understand how money affects our lives and the world economy.
Clear structure. The book is divided into several sections, each of which is dedicated to a certain period of money history, which helps organize the information.
Relevance. The author in the book examines modern technology and its impact on money and the economy, which makes this work relevant and interesting for modern readers.
Open-mindedness. The author does not adhere to a certain point of view or convince the reader of anything, but only provides facts.
The influence of the state on the transformation of the essence of money
The influence of the state on the transformation of the essence of money occurs through various mechanisms and actions.
– Currency issuance. The state controls the issue of banknotes and coins through central banks. For example, a central bank decides to increase the amount of money in circulation through issuance. This can lead to inflation and change the purchasing power of money.
– Fiscal policy. Taxes and government spending affect the economy and forms of money. For example, lowering taxes or increasing government spending increases the amount of money in circulation. This affects inflation.
– Approval of money and payment forms. The government establishes the forms of money and payments. For example, it determines what will be legal tender.
– Regulation of financial institutions. The state sets rules and regulations for banks and financial institutions (e.g. reserve requirements, liquidity requirements, etc.).
– Monetary policy. Central banks intervene in the economy by regulating interest rates.
– Control of counterfeiting. The state takes measures to prevent counterfeiting of money.
These measures and mechanisms allow the state to shape the monetary system.
New types of money
In today’s world, we are seeing the development and emergence of new types of money.
– Cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) are decentralised digital currencies based on blockchain technology.
– Stablecoins. A special form of cryptocurrencies that is linked to stable assets (fiat currencies) or precious metals. Stablecoins are designed to reduce the volatility of cryptocurrency rates and provide price stability. This makes them more suitable for everyday payments.
– Digital central bank currencies. Many nations and their central banks are developing their own digital currencies that can be a complement to national currencies.
– Cashless payment systems and electronic money. Electronic payment systems and e-money are becoming common. They facilitate cashless transactions.
– Platform currencies. Large companies create their own virtual currencies. They use them on their platforms. These currencies are used to make purchases and settlements within companies.
– Traditional alternatives to money. There are various alternatives to money (loyalty bonuses, coupons, coupons, etc.).
The forms of money listed are the result of the development of technology. Modern technology transforms the economic environment and provides new opportunities.
Digital central bank currencies
Digital central bank currencies have several features:
– Electronic format. Digital central bank currencies exist in electronic form and are stored in a digital environment. They are accessible via mobile applications, specialised e-wallets.
– Direct access to the central bank. These currencies provide direct access to a nation’s central bank. Users can exchange their deposits in commercial banks for digital currency provided by the central bank itself.
– Guaranteed state support. Digital central bank currencies are backed and backed by the state.
– New functions. Digital central bank currencies provide additional functions (programmable monetary policy, use for social benefits, etc.).
Some digital central bank currencies are in the research phase, while others are in the process of being piloted and in circulation.