Money and life mission, determinism and resource limits of incarnation

A comprehensive study of the nature of money is based on the principle of determinism as an essential part of scientific methodology, aiming researchers to identify causality and patterns in nature, society and thinking about the phenomenon of money. Relying on theological, cosmological, anthropological-ethical, social determinism, define the essence of the vital mission of money. To investigate the processes of circulation of intellectual, spiritual values material shell.

Can money reflect spiritual values?
Money plays a huge role in today’s world. It allows for material needs to be met, for comfort and security to be provided, for plans and dreams to be realised. But can money reflect a person’s intellectual, spiritual values? Is it possible to judge his level of development, his inner world, his attitude towards others by how much he earns and how he spends his money?
To answer these questions we need to understand what spiritual values are and how they are formed.
Spiritual values are understood as ideals and beliefs that define a person’s life position, goals and meanings, moral principles and moral norms. Spiritual values do not have material expression, but they influence a person’s behaviour, choices and decisions, attitudes towards oneself and others.
They are shaped by various factors: family, education, culture, religion, society, personal experience, etc. They are not constant and immutable, but may change depending on the circumstances of life, on new knowledge and experiences, on personal growth and development. Spiritual values are not the same for all people, they are individual and unique to each person.
Money is only one tool to achieve spiritual values. It cannot replace them or be them.
Money does not make a person smarter or kinder. It only empowers a person, but it does not define who he is.
That is why one cannot judge a person’s spiritual values by his income or expenditure. It is more important to look at how he earns his money and how he uses it. Does he earn his money honestly? Does he spend it for good purposes? Does he help those in need? Does he respect the labour of others or exploit them? Does he value people more than money?
The answers to these questions say much more about a person’s spiritual values than just the amount in his account or his wallet.
Here are some quotes that reflect different aspects of attitudes towards money and spiritual values:
“Money is not an end in itself, it simply reflects your creative energy and confidence” (Ernie Zielinski).
“If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it” (John D. Rockefeller).
“Money is often like people: when you need it, it’s not there; it appears when it’s too late; when you don’t appreciate it, it disappears; when you cherish it, it’s always there” (Bakhtiar Mammadov).
“Happiness does not depend on the amount of money… But to be sad is better in a Bentley than in a minibus” (Unknown author).
“Making money is the biggest mistake in life. Do what you feel inclined and talented to do, and if you excel at it, there will be money” (Greer Garson).


Money and life mission

What is the relationship between money and life mission? Many people ask this question when looking for meaning to their existence and ways to make a living.
Life mission is what you are called to do in this world. It is what brings you joy, satisfaction and meaning. It is what helps other people.
Money is a medium of exchange that enables you to get the goods and services you need for your well-being.
Money is also a tool for realising your goals and dreams. Money is not a goal, it is just a way to achieve something more.
The connection between money and life mission is that you can use money to fulfil your life mission. You can earn money by doing things that are in line with your life mission.
You can also spend money on things that support your life mission.
Determine your values, your interests. What is important to you in life? What are your passions? What makes you feel good?
Identify your strengths and talents. What are you good at? What do you excel at? What unique abilities do you have?
Identify your contribution to the world. Who can you help with your knowledge, skills and experience? What problem can you solve?
Act on your life mission. Find or create opportunities to realise your life mission. Don’t be afraid to experiment and learn.

The theological view of money

The theological view of money varies according to religious beliefs and cultural contexts. Different religions have their own teachings and principles regarding the nature of money and its use.
Some theological views offer specific guidelines for the use of money.
For example, Christianity often argues that money should not be an object of veneration or deification, that its use should be to serve God and help those in need. The concept of ‘wealth’ can be seen not only in a financial sense, but also as an accumulation of spiritual values.
In Islam, there is the concept of zakat, a compulsory donation of a tenth of a Muslim’s total income, which is intended to support the poor and needy. Islam regulates many aspects of financial activity, forbidding interest rates and investments in unauthorised (haram) areas.
In Buddhism, especially in its monastic form, the pursuit of material possessions is seen as an obstacle to spiritual development.
It should be noted that these theological views present only a general picture, and within each religion there are different interpretations and practices.
It should be borne in mind that in today’s world there are diverse financial systems and situations that require a meaningful application of theological principles.