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Development of projects that contribute to the development of the institution of philanthropic activities. Theoretical and methodological substantiation of the energy link between charitable activities and cash flow.

Institutions of charitable activity

Charity is the voluntary provision of assistance to those in need without expectation of any benefit in return. Charity can manifest itself in various forms: monetary donations, volunteering, providing goods or services, participation in charity events.

Charity contributes to the solution of social problems, development of civil society and the culture of giving.

Charity institutions are organisations that collect and distribute charitable funds and control their use. Among such institutions are distinguished:

– Foundations. These are non-profit organisations that are established to support specific causes or groups. Foundations can be private and public. Examples of foundations: the Russian Geographical Society Foundation, the Foundation for the Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc.

– Associations. These are non-profit organisations that unite people with the same interests and values. Associations can engage in both charitable work and the protection of the rights and interests of their members. Examples of associations: Association of Doctors of Russia, Association of the Blind of Russia, Association for International Co-operation, etc.

– Non-profit partnerships. These are non-profit organisations that are established to implement specific charitable projects or programmes. Examples of non-profit partnerships: partnership “For Clean Water”, partnership “For Safe Internet”, partnership “For Healthy Nutrition”, etc.

Institutions of charitable activity play an important role in the development of society, as they:

– Contribute to the solution of urgent problems.

– Encourage citizens to participate in public life, form a culture of giving.

– Support innovations and introduce new solutions in the sphere of charity.

Theoretical and methodological substantiation of the energy link between charitable activity and cash flow

Energy connection is a process of energy exchange between the donor and the recipient of charitable aid.

Energy can be different in quality and quantity (depending on the motives, goals, expectations and emotions of the participants of the exchange). The energy connection can be positive or negative, strong or weak, long-term or short-term. This connection affects the state of the donor and the recipient, as well as the results of the charitable activity.

Money flow is a type of energy exchange, which has its own peculiarities and regularities. Money is not just papers or numbers in an account, it is a symbol of value, dignity, opportunity, power and freedom. Money is energy that is used in different ways; it is a means of communication; it is a tool that can improve the world as well as change it for the worse.

The theoretical and methodological underpinnings of the energy connection between philanthropy and cash flow are based on several concepts and approaches:

– Social exchange theory. The donor and the recipient of charity receive tangible or intangible benefits.

– Social capital theory. Explains how philanthropy builds and strengthens social ties.

– Psychology of Money Theory. Examines psychological aspects of attitudes toward money (types of money scripts, money archetypes, money attitudes, money traumas).

– Energy Psychology Theory. Considers the human being as an energy system interacting with other energy systems and the environment. This theory explains how charity affects the energy balance, harmony and health of the donor and recipient.

It should be noted that charity should be voluntary, informed, transparent, honest, open, effective, sustainable, positive and inspiring.

Charity: more you give, more you get

Charity is the voluntary provision of material or other assistance to people or organisations in need.

Charity can take many forms. You can donate money, clothes, books, toys, food or other items. You can also volunteer for a project that helps children, the elderly, the sick, animals or the environment. You can provide legal, medical or other professional help.

Charity helps not only other people, but also yourself. Studies show that charity improves psychological and physical well-being. When you help others, you experience satisfaction and joy. You increase your self-esteem and reduce stress.

Charity has a positive effect on your health: you strengthen your immune system and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Charity is a way to broaden your horizons. Being involved in charity, you can find new friends, partners, like-minded people, as well as realise your ideas, dreams and achieve your goals.

Charity is a lifestyle that makes you and others happier.

The more you give, the more you receive!